ACE for Lync and CUCILync vs SIP Trunking : Don’t use a typewriter as your keyboard

Chris Norman has posted what should be regarded as the definitive blog post and discussion on Avaya ACE.  I’ve talked about this and CuciLync in user group discussions and I always advise against it.

I wanted to highlight a  couple of comments I made in the thread.  Joe Schurman from Avaya contends multiple times that companies cannot throw away their investments in their Avaya infrastructure and, not should, but *have to* use ACE, to which I respond:

“Let’s go back a few years to the 80s. Let’s trade “UC” for “PC”.

I have a large amount of expensive typewriters. Best of breed. I’m putting in new computers, but my typewriter company tells me instead of wasting money on buying keyboards, I should buy a special cable to connect my typewriter to my computer to protect my investment in Typewriters. But, the typewriter doesn’t have all the keys that a computer keyboard does, so I lose the ability to do everything I could with the computer.

This is the logic here.

Instead of putting the computer and typewriter side by side for those pesky triplicate forms and labels and stuff that there were no solutions or replacement for yet (and trim down the number of typewriters to only people who needed them for those tasks) – you go with the “better together” approach?

P.S. My typewriter company is working as hard as it can to get into the PC business. “


“First, I didn’t mean to make my analogy seem hardware centric. Only that the computer (Lync) can do many many things and well (IM/Presence/Voice/Video/Conferencing/Collaboration/Etc.) and the Typewriter (Avaya) could do one (Voice).

Even though you have dismissed it several times, one strategy of co-existence is SIP trunking, like putting the computer next to the typewriter. When you eliminate the need for the typewriter, you take it away. ROI in part comes from all of the additional features the computer gave you that you didn’t have before or paid for in other higher ways (plus not having to pay annual maintenance and upgrades on the typewriter when it’s gone).”

While Joe makes a very passionate plea to try to fully leverage your Avaya investment, what he completely disregards is fully leveraging your investment in Lync, which ACE kills as noted by Chris Norman:

“Greyed out icons adding to end user confusion

Escalation to a voice call requires the use of add on to the bottom of the window.

No escalation path to video or desktop sharing from the conversation window since Avaya recommended configuration is to only license STD Cal and they have been removed through policy settings.

You can only accept or decline an inbound call there is no way to redirect to another phone or voicemail

You cannot use Lync audio conferencing using ACE with Lync AVMUC. This experience is totally broken.

No conference controls when in an Avaya Audio conference from Lync with ACE

No contact card integration or broader Office integration for click to call, your limited to the ACE plugin for Outlook and what it offers.

No way to launch directly into a video or sharing session from right clicking the client.

No visual voicemail and no seamless integration into Exchange UM or even Avaya MM platform

No remote access capability

Scheduled conferencing, I saw no click to conference capability only very basic and rudimentary telephony capabilities so I do not understand where you think this advanced voice features are in the ACE integration to Lync.”

There is a point in an asset’s life where it has completely depreciated in value.  Then you look around, you find a replacement for that asset that provides 10x more functionality, is less expensive, and has a lower on-going costs.  If you instead decide to put more money into the depreciated asset, there is a technical name for that, it’s called “throwing good money after bad”.

Avaya Voice is not more magical than Lync Voice.  If there is some telephony feature as a business need, then keep those phones until there is a Lync solution.  However, Lync gives you far more features as a unified communications platform and it’s Voice features are suitable for most businesses.

My advice to everyone is this: SIP trunk the systems together.  It is possible through dial plan manipulation to give the Lync phone numbers the same as the desk phones – use access code plus the real number in the PBX to point to Lync, then you can forward the phone (or sim ring) to the Lync station (or the reverse, point everything to Lync and allow sim ring to the desk phone).  Downside -this doesn’t give you the “in a call” presence indication if you are talking on the PBX phone.  Then you can start eliminating legacy desk phones or replacing them with native Lync phones, until your down to the people who absolutely need them – like the last people who had a typewriter in the office.

November 3rd DFW IT Professionals Meeting – Lync Overview

I’ll be presenting at 6:00 PM Nov. 3rd at Microsoft in Las Colinas for the DFW IT Professionals Users Group.  Here is a description of the session:

Come see how Lync can improve communications in your organization and give new tools for interacting with your peers, partners and customers including instant messaging, desktop sharing, voice, video and collaboration all from a single client that is integrated with the rest of the Microsoft Office suite. We’ll demonstrate Lync including communicating with Federated partners and show it’s native integration with other Microsoft products such as SharePoint and Outlook.

Click here to RSVP:


Thanks to everyone for coming out.  Here is the slide deck from last night:

 Lync 2010 DFW IT Pro

For those who want to test drive Lync in their lab (or at home), here are a couple of resources.  First, you can download all the software that you need here: 

For a good video tutorial of how to install, check out this site:



DFW Unified Communications User Group October Meeting

Join us for our October Meeting on October 27th at the Microsoft Campus in
Las Colinas at 6:00 PM.This month meeting will topic will be on the Lync
Edge Server with guest speaker Microsoft Lync MVP Randy Wintle.

7000 North Highway
Las Colinas Campus
Irving, TX 75039

Update – Video of the Presentation is here:

Please join our LinkedIn Group as well to get the latest information and interact with other


This month’s meeting is graciously being sponsored by NETSCOUT.

Lync *is* Enterprise Ready

Join the DFW Unified Communications User Group tonight (September 22nd) for the our September monthly 4th Thursday meeting.  Our topic this month is “Lync Integration and Interoperability”.  For those interested, I’ll also be happy to give my personal debunking of the Network World article point by point.

Click here to Register Today!



Forklift your PBX with Microsoft Lync

Thanks to everyone for coming out to the Ft. Worth IT Professionals group last night.  As promised, here is a copy of my presentation:

Forklift your PBX with Microsoft Lync
My thanks to New Horizons for hosting the meetings as they do every month, and to Steve McPherson from NET for participating in the demo with me.



Dallas TechFest Lync CEBP Presentation

Thanks to everyone that came out on Friday.  I had a great time at there, and learned a lot in the other sessions I attended!

As promised to those who attended my CEBP Lync Development session at Dallas TechFest, here is my slide deck:

CEBP Lync Development

A couple of links mentioned in the session: – Lync Developer Info – Speech Server Development Info – Official Microsoft Lync Developer forums



Anniversary, DFW UC UG, Dallas TechFest, and Ft. Worth IT Professionals

Bear with me, I’ve got a bunch of topics I’m going to put all in one entry.

I thought I would note this month happens to be the one year Anniversary of  There have been about 18,000 hits to date, which I know pales in comparison to other UC blogs, but is still humbling that that many people have visited and hopefully found something useful.  I hope to post some deeper dive technical information in the future.

DFW Unified Communications User Group

Second, we had yet another most excellent meeting of the DFW Unified Communications User Group.  Last month (see picture above) we had record attendance and two great speakers, Doug Splinter and Ramesh Chaturvedi.  It’s been fun to watch the group grow from 5 people in December of 2010 to over 30 last month.  We have big plans for the future, and again I hope it’s useful for everyone who attends. One last note about one of speakers last month, Ramesh from Damaka, the Android version of Xync has started to hit the marketplace and the iOS version isn’t far behind.

Third, I’m privileged to be speaking about  CEBP Development with Microsoft Lync at Dallas TechFest this year on August 12th.  Additionally, if your stalking or just can’t get enough of me, I’ll be speaking about how to forklift your PBX at Ft. Worth IT Professional User Group on August 18th and as always I’ll be at the DFW UC UG on August 25th.   I’ll be posting my slide decks to this blog, so if you plan on coming to any of these talks stay tuned here to download my presentations.


Thomas Kisner, MCITP

Great meeting at MS DFW UC User Group Last night

We had a really great turnout and glad everyone came!  First, I want to thank for sponsoring dinner last night.  I also want to thank John Weston, Jonathan Shaver, and Bart Jozefiak for presenting last night.  We’ll get all of the presentations up on the UG website at in the next couple of days.  I have my presentation on Lync PowerShell handy, so I’ve posted it on here too:  Lync Server 2010 and PowerShell

Second, the “official” DFW UC User Group news application I wrote for Windows Phone 7 was published in the Marketplace today, you can get it here:’ve posted the source code for the app on Codeplex , in case another User Group would like to use it, and I plan to update it with more features.  I’ve already got version 1.2 in the works with a couple enhancements.

Next meeting is July 28th at 6:00PM at the Microsoft Campus in Irving.  We’ll be talking about add-ins for Lync and CEBP, and we have some great speakers lined up that we’ll announce next week.


Thomas Kisner

P.S.  Bit of trivia I meant to mention last night – my presentation had a screenshot of Commodore 64 BASIC.  Commodore BASIC, like most BASIC implementations at the time, was written by Microsoft

Hands on with a new iOS and Android Client for Lync

This post is about the Xync / Xavy client for iOS and Andriod – If you found this post looking for information on the official Microsoft Andriod and iOS client for Lync, see the links at the
bottom of the post.
Note # 2- Xync has been renamed to Xavy , link updated below
Yesterday, I happened to be at the Dallas Microsoft Office at the right place and at the right time and I got to play with a new OCS / Lync client called Xync made by damaka that, accourding to them is going to be available in iTunes and the Andriod Market by the end of the month.  The interesting and new part is that it supports IM, audio and video and it does not require any servers or software installed in the environment.  That is, it opererates as a “native” sip client going straight through the Edge server – not using CWA (or UCMA) as previous iPhone/iPad and Andriod applications have.  Here are a couple of pictures of me using the client on the iPad 2 (I also saw the Andriod version, but I didn’t snap any pics).

ipad Lync client

 iPad Lync Client - With Video!

       The icons and controls are their own -and not made to mimick the OCS or Lync client- they were nonethess fairly straightforward and intuitive.  They were also consistant between the iOS and Android platforms, which was a plus.  Once your registered, you can make Enterprise Voice calls to the PSTN from the Lync environment, thus just using your data plan or Wifi access. I tested over WiFi, and the voice and video quality was very good. Now, Xync won’t be a free download.  They indicated to me that there would be two distrubuition methods, one through the consumer marketplaces for anyone to be able to buy the app, and the target price they were looking at right now is $20 – the other was direct to enterprises that have there own enterprise marketplaces in place, and that pricing wasn’t fixed yet and would be variable based on volume. They are also committed to making a Symbian client and Windows Phone 7 client (although it sounded like would be on the Mango release). More info is available at their website: They have a demo video of it there as well. UPDATE:  Since I wrote this post, the damaka client has been released in multiple flavors.  Check the iTunes and Andriod App Store and Marketplace. UPDATE: If you found this post looking for information on the official Microsoft Andriod and iOS client for Lync,the download links for the server side components (mobility server update) and clients are here: Mobility and Autodiscover Services Software download: Mobility Deployment Guide:

New Hardware Load Balancer Requirements for Lync 2010 (CU4 requirements):

Link to the Andriod Lync Client in the Marketplace:

Link to the iPhone Client in iTunes:

Link to the iPad Client in iTunes:

Register today for the DFW Unified Communications User Group June 23rd Meeting

Join us for our June meeting on Thursday, June 23rd at 6:00 PM. This month’s meeting will feature Microsoft Lync 2010 Tips and Tricks by various presenters including John Weston, Jonathan Shaver, Thomas Kisner, and more.

If you to learn how to get the most out of the client, learn some PowerShell, and become a Lync Power User and Admin, you won’t want to miss this presentation.

The meeting as at the Microsoft Campus in Los Colinas located at:

7000 North Highway 161
Irving, TX 75039

Click here to Register today